
I speak with author and shamanic expert Peter Bonaker on the dark energy he has studied and learned about in detail. His new book, Sacred Shield: Shamanic Protection for the World Today, discusses this energy and what we can do to protect ourselves and build a lighter world.

Peter worked for 30 years as an educator at all levels in public education, from pre-kindergarten through to the 12th grade. He taught post-graduate students as an adjunct professor at the University of Denver for 10 years and also, oddly enough, worked as a licensed building contractor (still today).

Simultaneously during this last period, he began his studies and teaching in the field of shamanic healing. Along the way on the shamanic part of this journey, he became curious about how a certain number of people presented repeatedly, exactly the same definite pattern reflecting the presence of what he came to know and describe as a very dark energetic form.

Episode 10 is a wild interview with shamanic teacher Peter Bonaker. Peter’s new book Sacred Shield is about a parasitic negative energy he calls “mordrigal”. The healing work focuses on the abstraction and removal of mordrigal from clients. Bonaker also clears spirits and ghosts from buildings, lands, and bodies.